Race Weekend Information
- 5K - 5000 Meters.
- Half Marathon - 13 miles, 192.5 yards.
- Marathon - 26 miles, 385 yards.
- Ultra Marathon - 39 miles, 577.5 yards.
- Marathon Relay - 26 miles, 385 yards - 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages approximately 7.5 miles, 4th stage approximately 4 miles.
- All runners can collect their numbers on Saturday from 1.00pm to 6.00pm at Race Headquarters in The Longford Arms Hotel.. We will have signs up around the town directing you to the correct location. New entries will also be accepted at Race HeadQuarters on Saturday.
- Number collection for the marathon and half-marathon will open at 6.00am at The Longford Arms Hotel in Longford.
- The marathon will start and finish on Main Street near the Longford Arms Hotel on Sunday morning.
- First off will be the walkers in the full marathon who will set off at 7.00am.
- The participants in the Ultra Marathon who will start at 7.00am.
- The wheelchair participants will start at 8.45am from the same location.
- The runners in the full marathon and all participants in the half-marathon will start at 9.00am on Sunday morning.
- The participants in the 5K Streets of Longford Road Race will start a few minutes after the Marathon & Half Marathon Start. Please assemble behind the Marathon/Half Marathon starters before the race goes off.
- The course will be well marked and each mile will be posted. Regular Water stations, every 3 miles, will be available along the way.
- Hopefully the weather on the day will be good (but not too good!) and spectators will be able to come out and cheer the runners on. We hope to have entertainment courtesy of local musicians on the day to entertain runners and spectators alike.